Iowa High School Athletic Association
Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union
North Iowa Cedar League Conference
GoBound Iowa | Union
GoBound Iowa | North Iowa Cedar League
Policies & Forms
Concussion, Pre-Participation Physical (doctor's signature required) and the Release & Activity Participation forms must be returned before a student will be allowed to practice.
Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports
Consent for Medical Treatment Form
Iowa Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Exam Form | Required for any student involved in a school extra-curricular activity, including 6th grade dance
Union Release & Activity Participation Form
Participation in school activities is a privilege. School activities provide the benefits of promoting additional interests and abilities in the students during their school years and for a lifetime.
Students who participate in extracurricular activities serve as ambassadors of the school district throughout the calendar year, whether away from school or at school. Students who wish to have the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities must conduct themselves in accordance with board policy and must refrain from activities that are illegal, immoral, or unhealthy.
Students who fail to abide by this policy and the administrative regulations supporting it may be subject to disciplinary measures. The principal shall keep records of violation of the Good Conduct Code. It shall be the responsibility of the UCSD (Union Community School District) Board of Education to adopt rules and regulations for school activities. Students wanting to participate in school activities must meet the requirements set out by the UCSD for participation in the activity.
The activities that are affected by the Good Conduct Code are all school sponsored public events (i.e. athletic activities, plays, etc.) or events in which the student is acting as a representative of the school (including elected and honorary offices, Homecoming attendant, music contests, etc.), with the exception of direct extensions of curricular activities (i.e. winter concert, field trips, etc.), as determined by administration.
K-12 | $35.00
Adult | $100.00
Senior | Free | 65+ and living in the UCSD
Activity passes are good for all home high school athletic contests, fall play and concerts except state association activities.
Union High School Gymnasium is home to the Union Volleyball, Boys and Girls Basketball, and Wrestling teams. The gym seats around 1200 and was recently updated in 2016 with new bleachers. This gym has been the home of six volleyball state qualifiers, two girls basketball state qualifiers, one boys state basketball qualifier, and ten state team dual qualifiers in wrestling.
Union Stadium was built in 2010 and is host to the Union Football, Girls Soccer, and Boys & Girls Track. This facility creates an exceptional experience for 2A football, soccer, and track & field. You will not find a better natural grass facility in the State of Iowa for 2A football and soccer. The track is an eight lane track and has been home to some of the fastest times in Union Track & Field history.
The Hadachek Family Performance Center was opened in 2010. The 4000 square foot facility has 36 power lift racks and a full assortment of cable machines. The performance room is used daily by Union athletes and PE classes. This facility is second to none when compared to similar sized schools throughout the state of Iowa.
Sports Offered
For the most up to date information on schedules, rosters, & staff, please see the Union GoBound Iowa page and select your sport.
Fall Sports
- Cheerleading
- Boys Cross Country
- Girls Cross Country
- Football | Facebook
- Girls Swimming | Shared with Waterloo West
- Volleyball
Winter Sports
- Boys Basketball | Facebook
- Girls Basketball
- Cheerleading
- Boys Swimming | Shared with Waterloo West
- Wrestling
Spring Sports
- Boys Golf
- Girls Golf
- Boys Tennis
- Girls Tennis
- Boys Track & Field
- Girls Track & Field
- Boys Soccer
- Girls Soccer | Facebook
Summer Sports
- Baseball
- Softball
Other Social Media