Wednesday, October 25th 2023 Red day #1

CONGRATULATIONS to the volleyball team for qualifying for the State Volleyball Tournament last night by beating West Delaware 3-1 in the regional finals!! They will be playing Cherokee in the first round of the state tournament on Tuesday, October 31st starting at 10:25 am. All of the info you need for the state volleyball tournament, (including tickets) can be found at the link below:

The end of 1st trimester will still be Friday, November 17th. There will be no change to this due to no school next Tuesday.

Looking for Backstage crew for the Fall Play please see Ms. Sauer we need 3-4 people to help.

Who: Anyone interested in Cheering for Basketball or Wrestling
When: Sunday, October 29th @ 6 pm
Where: High School conference room (by Ms. Kriz)
If you are unable to make the meeting and have questions, please feel free to email me at

NEW LUNCH OPTION: Please see the attached flyer regarding a new option/process regarding lunch. The lunch staff is hoping that this will give students more variety when purchasing the uncrustable and chef salad meals. An email will be sent out to parents and students with additional information.

There will be a short GIRLS BASKETBALL MEETING this Friday, October 27th at 8:10 am in the auditorium. Please attend if you plan on playing girls basketball this year.

The National Honor Society is challenging students and staff to “Go Nuts” and bring as many nut butter jars this week as they can to their advisor. At the end of the week, the advisory with the most jars gets pizza sponsored by Casey’s General Stores. There will also be individual awards for the students in each grade that bring in the most jars. So students should put a sticky note with their name on what they bring. Nut butter includes peanut butter, sun butter, almond, cashew, etc. This is a highly needed food item for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. Mrs. Weivoda’s advisory is to bring everything to the counseling office.

Advisory will be TOMORROW this week.

LPC PTO is looking for volunteers to help at their Santa’s Cottage. This is Monday, December 4. If you’d like to help, sign up at this link.

Mr. Parson will be hosting a Zoom meeting on the topic of addiction and mental health awareness with a guest speaker on Friday, October 27. Please click the link to learn more if you are interested.

HYPNOTIZED LIVE!! There will be a hypnotist show on December 2nd as a fundraiser for UHS after prom. Tickets will go on sale in November. There is a poster in the office with details.

PHOTO RETAKES are Monday, November 6th. Order forms are in the office if needed.

There is now a WINTER CHEER sign up in the office. If you are interested in either being a basketball or wrestling cheerleader, please stop by the office and sign up. There will be a parent meeting for winter cheer on Sunday, October 29th at 6 pm.

Happy Birthday today to:

Lunch today: Crispy chicken on a bun (choice: hamburger on a bun) broccoli with cheese, pears and the fruit/vegetable bar and milk OR grab and go chef salad meal or
uncrustrable meal.