Wednesday, May 24th 2023 Black day #6

Starting on Friday, UHS PE Department will be asking students to clean out their lockers for the summer during their PE classes on Friday and Monday. Please bring a bag to take your belongings home. If you are currently not in PE, please see Mr. Denner or Mrs. Wittenburg before or after school to turn in your locks. Anything left in the locker rooms after Wednesday, May 31 will be cleaned out to prepare the lockers for next year.

Summer volunteer opportunities – lots of hours & great for resumes/scholarships:
• Benton County Cattlemen – food booth at Benton County Fair. June 21 to 24. Email Lori Wauters if you’d like to help – any day/s and hours at
• Cedar Valley Arboretum (by Hawkeye Community College) – Welcome Center help throughout summer. Email Cathy Niebergall at

New Silver Cord verification forms are available to pick up in the guidance or main offices. Mrs. Kriz has also sent an email with a link to print them at home.

There will be a meeting in Mr. Parson’s room after school on Thursday for anyone interested in cross country next year.

ALL Library books are due. Please return.

GIRLS SWIM MEETING: There will be a girls swim meeting for those interested in going out next season on June 3rd at the Central Pool at 11 a.m. If you need more information, stop by the high school office.

There will be Endurance Screening on TODAY for the group screen open to all cross country and mid to long distance track runners. Screens will begin after school and go until roughly 4:30p and are open to both high school and middle school athletes. will need to bring a consent waiver signed by a parent or guardian and wear comfortable clothing. There are info flyers in the office.
Sign-up link:
Waiver link:

FOOTBALL 2023 CHEER: There is now a Football Cheer sign up in the office for this fall.

If you need information regarding Driver’s Ed options for this spring or summer, please stop by the office and pick up a flyer.

Happy Birthday today to:

Lunch today: Chicken day with a bun, muffin or roll (choice: hamburger on a bun) mashed potatoes with gravy, applesauce, and the fruit/vegetable bar and milk OR grab and go chef salad meal or uncrustable meal.